In this modern era, many inventions are made with the help of advanced technology. Mainly in electronic product, new models and updated version are released often. This technology development is upgraded to the lifestyle of humans. Everything is in their palm by using advanced technology electronic devices. Touch screen in most of the electronic device becomes more popular among the people. By using the touch screen display you can able to control and operate all the function by your fingertips.

It is very useful for people who want to work smartly and searching for new technology released. The touchscreen display is too sensitive and you can operate it with your fingers easily. Many electronic devices such as television, smartphones, gaming console and computer are developed with touch screen display. Even children can handle and operate the touch screen device effectively. The touch screen display directly interacts with the screen of the device.
Features Of Resistance Touch Screen
There are two major types of the touch screen display. One is the resistance touch screen which is designed with well-equipped material and can be used very effectively. Most of the products need a custom-designed touch screen which suits their requirements. The general design technique is mostly used in the resistive touch screen panels. The system is usually made of diverse types of panels and the most essential panel used in the system are electrically resistance layer. And that lies under the surface of the display screen and which played opposite to each other. In this panel, two different types of the layer are used one is matric is produced by glass or plastic material. Another one is an analogue panel which has electrodes and no pattern available. When fingers touch the resistance touch screen the layer directly connect to the system. The touch screen design of resistance is unique and quality material. It does not affect the external factor and produce a high-quality picture and perform well to display pictures. Wherever the resistance touch screen is used it will be equipped with high-quality material for the best performance.
Aspects Of Capacitance Touch Screen

Another one is capacitance touch screen doesn’t work based on the sensing pressure instead it will use an electric charge to function properly. It functions by the electric signal caused by the human body to change the electrostatic field of the touch screen. By using the stylus you can operate the display screen and it acts as the good conductor of the electric signal which makes the device to work on the conductive screen. You are not allowed to use glove hands or pencil or pen as stylus instead you have to buy the stylus which is specially used for touch screen functions. Even though stylus is expensive when compared to the ordinary pen. The stylus can conduct an electric signal to the conductive screen to work effectively. This type of screen is more sensitive and has high durability so it is mainly used in smartphone touch screens.