Skin tags are a common cosmetic nuisance in both aging men and women. They often form in skin folds and around the neck. Skin tags are most often benign growths that don’t need treatment or removal. Many people don’t care for the looks of them and want them removed anyways. Not only can these skin tags be unsightly, but they can also get caught in necklaces or accidently cut off while shaving. This can cause unnecessary pain for those affected by skin tags. So, how do you get rid of skin tags?

Skin tags can be easily removed by your doctor. Your physician will freeze your skin tag off or cut the tag off. This will be done in a sterile environment to avoid infection. Some people will remove their own skin tags at home. There is an old fashioned way of removing these pesky skin tags. This old fashioned remedy is to choke the skin tag with string or dental floss. The person affected will lasso the skin tag with either dental floss or sewing string to cut off the blood supply to the skin tag. This is done at the base of the skin tag. Many have reported that this is an effective means of getting rid of skin tags, click here for more info. The skin tag will turn black and fall off within a few days of tying the string around the tag. Another way that the really brave remove skin tags in their own home are by cutting the skin tag off with sterilized surgical scissors. Many that have completed this task at home report very little bleeding or pain. Most people that try to remove a skin tag at home by cutting the tag off only remove the smaller tags. The larger skin tags often require more than a little snip and a doctor should be consulted.

Removing skin tags at home have been a common practice throughout the years. Doing any type of procedure such as this in your home can lead to infection. This is why it’s so important to consult with your physician before attempting removing your own skin tags. The best way to go about removing skin tags are in the hands of your doctor. The doctor will have sterile equipment to remove your pesky skin tag and then you will be done with it. But, if you do intend on treating your skin tags at home, make sure to use antiseptic and peroxide to avoid infection.