A car is as good as its color and if for some reason, its color wears off gradually, you will need to paint it. When you decide to paint your car, you have essentially two alternatives to choose from: either you can go for a professional car painting or your can do it yourself. If you decide to paint your car by yourself, it is essential that you are familiar with the comprehensive procedure of painting a car. Although painting a car is significant undertaking and requires a great deal of experience; in this article, our aim is to empower you with as much information on how to paint a car as possible. So, here we go:
Step#1: The fundamental step to painting a car is to decide a place where you want to paint your car. A standard household garage many not be suitable for this purpose as it will leave with inadequate space after you park your car inside it. Since you’re relatively inexperienced in painting a car, you will need to exercise more control and therefore, you would need more space around the car to be able to perform the job meticulously. Moreover, the presence of water heater in your residential garage can pose to be a potential danger to the accumulation of paint fumes during the painting process. Hence, choose place that is ideal for painting your car, read more here.

Step#2: Once you decide on a suitable place to paint your car, the next step is to collect essential materials and equipments required to paint a car. Typically, you will need to have painting equipment, safety equipment, sanding and polishing tools and last but not the least, some paint. These are the most basic things you need to paint a car; however, you might add some other materials, tools or equipments depending on how you want to paint your car.
Step#3: Now that you have colleted all the materials, tools and equipments essential to painting a car, you are ready to get started. The first step to painting a car is to remove rust from the car and repair the dents on the car if any. Moreover, you need to remove some of the body part of the car that need not require any painting. These parts may include chrome or plastic trim which can be taken off the car and replaced back when the painting is over. While removing parts such as body panel moldings might appear simple for you, remember they are not. They usually need some tools that help you remove them easily. If you want to remove them manually, make sure you don’t exert too much force; otherwise, you will end up snapping them off.
Step#4: Once you’re done with the process of removal of rust and removable body parts of the car, the next thing is to sanding the paint. You may have used some primer prior to sanding the paint properly. Remember, sanding the paint is a process which is critical to adherence of paint. Hence, make sure you remove the paint down to the bare metal and use an automotive primer prior to applying your finish paint. You may use mineral spirits or denatured alcohol to ensure complete removal of oils (including body oils) from the car surface. Some people, use masking tape or paper to cover the area (window glasses, for instance) that do need any painting.

Step#5: As the preparation process for painting the car is over, now begins the process of painting the car. To begin with, you will have to prime the surface of the car which requires the application of a corrosion resistant and self-etching primer. After the primer is applied on the car surface, allow some time for the primer to cure properly. Usually, you may need to check the instruction manual of the primer to ensure better results.
Step#6: After allowing enough time for the primer to cure, it’s time to sand the primed surfaces. However, just be careful not to overdo it as it might lead to exposing the bare metal surface again. You may also want to use a wax or grease remover to clean the surface after priming and sanding.
Step#7: Now, it’s time to paint the car. Remember it’s a very important part of the entire process and you are going to be twice as careful while painting the car. Before you being to spray the finish paint on the car, you need to prepare the paint as per the directions in the manufacture’s manual. Usually, you should add some polyurethanes or automotive enamels to ensure better results from the painting. They usually thin the paint to the ideal proportion which offers better results to your painting process. Since you are using an equipment to spray the paint, it is essential to thin the paint. However, make sure it doesn’t lead to over-thinning as it may affect the gloss of the finished surface of the car.
Step#8: When the painting is done with, you should allow enough time for the painting to completely cure. It pays to learn that the ideal length of time required for the painting to cure may vary depending on the kind of paint you use. While some paint takes 24 hours to dry to touch, others may take in excess of 7 days as well. Just make sure you car remains in a completely dust-free ambience from the time of painting till the paint dry off completely.

Step#9: When the painting dries off completely, you must give it the final touch for the surface to achieve gloss. You may use clear-coat to offer better gloss. Alternatively, you may use a buffing machine to polish the paint to bring out the gloss to offer the car a pristine clean appearance.
The above instructions are just plain simple guidelines no how to paint a car. However, you are recommended to consult a professional go get more minute details on how to paint your car. Also, you watch a video that explains the procedure in more lucid manner. Remember, painting a car is a time-consuming process and you need to demonstrate a great deal of patience and ensure safety precautions before you begin the process.