Immediately (quickly) rub any hand soap appliance you may have directly onto your mosquito bite. It works best for me as it relieves me of the urge to scratch the mosquito bite.
Another alternative is to put isopropyl or hydrogen peroxide directly onto the mosquito bite as it’ll clean the infected or itchy mosquito bite immediately.

I would strongly recommend anyone that gets a mosquito bite to take a nice warm shower as it’ll reduce the mosquito swelling as well as the itching urge altogether. A word of advice you’ll want the water to be as hot as you can stand it and not to the point where you’ll get second and third degree burns.
After taking a nice warm shower only if you still feel the itching urge than rest 10 minutes later after your body as returned to its normal body temperature state. Than whip out a nice cold ice pack and ice down your mosquito bite its great in reducing your swelling as you’ll notice about 5 minutes later your no longer itchy because the pain is numbed by than which means your no longer bothered by the bite.
You might even want to use a couple of mixed solutions that can aid in relieving mosquito bites. Several of the methods I use in mixing of these ingredients have actually worked for me so decide for yourself if they work for you. They include the mixing of both baking soda and meat tenderizer or a crushed tablet of any aspirin along with salt and a cup of water. It sounds ridiculous but they actually worked for me but than again everyone’s body works differently as what works for me may not work equally well or not as well for you.
There’s also other methods you can use that involve fruits as well. Its amazing how many home remedies you can use to treat a pesky mosquito bite, Learn more. Use a fresh fruit when applying either a lemon or lime as their really effective in treating various problems such as pimples, body odor and mosquito bites, its just amazing how strong a lemon is no wonder why people pucker their lips when eating a lemon.

I’ve also used several powders when treating my mosquito bite. I’ve experimented with many different powders when treating mosquito bites and I realized that both Benadryl and the Gold Bond Medicated Powder have worked quite well for me. I can’t complain, its just amazing how my body’s been able to accept such home remedies and work effectively for me from time and time again. So why not try such methods it might just benefit you just as well as it has for me.