Developing a software plan is the systematic structure used to denote how the software that needs to be developed and how the result comes out. Software today is being used for various reasons like for clients, businesses, or their personal use. Software development strategies fall under many names that include spiral, waterfall, agile, XP, rapid prototyping to name but a few. The common goal of all these strategies or software development plans is to develop a piece of software. In simple terms, a development of a software plan outlines and specifies what needs to be done, what the specifications and requirements are, and broadly how the process is carried out. A plan for development of software for covers software architecture, functionality, implementation specifics, and testing of the software.
SDLC Methods:

The oldest, and one of the most common plans used for software development is the classic waterfall model. This plan is an iterative process that can move backward and forward through steps until the result. More complex systems take more time, but even the largest development can be simplified to simple steps. Software planning of development can also take place on existing software that needs to be modified or extended, in which case agile methodology is a common plan of development of software choice. A combination of software development plans can be used to develop a hybrid solution. SDLC involves teams of experts in various fields such as analysts, testers, architects, programmers, and even end-users. The cycle of software development is important because it provides a plan to bring together various aspects of software development. The phases of software development includes feasibility study, requirement, analysis, design, implementation, coding, testing, and maintenance
Feasibility Study:
The feasibility study refers to check the product is worth it. It gives the idea to the developer whether the project is valuable or not.
In this stage, the developer wants to collect the information about the requirements which are needed to develop the software product and the requirements are very useful to develop the further more steps.
It deals with the concept of analyzing the whole thing like what is the customer need, what is the entire product we want to buy to develop the particular software to check the further problem while we are developing this software.
In this phase, the customer wants to design the software as per the user requirement. There are many prototypes are available to develop the design phase.
In this phase, the programmer directly implements what he is already planning to develop. There are many ways to implement the concept of a particular task.

The coding is a very important stage because there is a chance of a lot of error to appear, so we want debugs the code once again so it is to be a tough task. So the programmer wants to be aware of the previous stage itself.
In this phase, we want to test the previously developed project. In that there may be a chance of error may appear so the user has the required tool to clear those kinds of error. For more information refer