MPLS is a good way to improve the reliability of metro Ethernet. MPLS uses labels to set a specific path for a sequence of packets, saving the time routers would have to spend doing address look-ups. With MPLS, most packets are forwarded at Layer 2 (switching) instead of Layer 3 (routing). As a bonus, this allows for differentiation of packets for QoS. “Among carriers, MPLS is the driving technology, allowing them to establish service classes by creating virtual private circuits over an IP network and eliminating the need for data encryption,” accord ing to the Telecommunications Industry Association’s “Market Review and Forecast.
MPLS stands for Multi Protocol Label Switching. The MPLS network is capable of delivering high speed and quality data transmissions by using a series of labels to direct the traffic to the appropriate nodes. This MPLS network design has been used in a variety of ways to provide varying services for companies working with everything from sales to banking transactions.
Cisco MPLS Network
The Cisco MPLS network is a secure MPLS network designed for the transmission of sensitive data and information. This type of MPLS network design is used by corporations who require the transmission of sensitive data from sales transactions, banking institutions to transmit credit card purchases and ATM network transactions, as well as medical facilities for the transmission of patient information and laboratory test results.
MPLS Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The MPLS VPN is one step down from the Cisco MPLS network. Although this network design is slightly less secure than the Cisco network, it is more than ample for corporate intranet communications and other setups which require the transmission of less sensitive data while still protecting it from full public access. This network setup is often used to establish communications between corporate offices and remotely located employees who may work from home or who travel as part of their job description. This system can also be used to create a point to point network to provide subscriber services, such as information services, or to provide professional networking, such as interdepartmental communications between law enforcement entities.

MPLS Network Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP)
The MPLS network VoIP service is used for the transmission of telecommunications over the Internet or within an intranet network. The high quality of modern VoIP over a MPLS network system rivals that of traditional phone lines. In some cases, the MPLS VoIP quality of service (QOS) can even exceed that of traditional phone lines. Using VoIP, call centers and other businesses that make extensive use of telecommunications can greatly reduce operating costs while building systems which are compatible with computer programming which automatically places calls and tracks the information regarding the calls.
These are just a few examples of popular uses of this technology. As further advancement is made and technology improves, more and more uses for this network design system are made possible. As the MPLS network design expands and becomes more cost effective, we can expect to see more secure networks and widespread usage of this networking system.